summer reading

Summer Reading Assignments
The school policy requires that Armenian and English Language teachers assign summer reading materials to students.
The school policy requires that Armenian and English Language teachers assign summer reading materials to students.
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Dear parents,
It has been an extremely fulfilling year for our students and teachers. Our school has registered great growth in academics, population, and spirit. The summer months ahead are a well deserved opportunity for our families to enjoy their time together, while still having our students continue their growth academically. Assigned Reading Books The English and Armenian departments at Cabayan Elementary have provided a list of books that our students can read throughout the summer. The list can be found below this letter. To access the Armenian Reading list, Click "Summer Armenian Reading" found above this letter. These summer activities are optional for students. Have a happy and healthy summer break. ![]()
IXL Online Program
Along with the recommended reading lists, to help our students continue to practice their Mathematics and Language Arts skills this summer, our school has subscribed to an online IXL Program to maintain high academic standards. The Math and English Departments at Holy Martyrs Cabayan Elementary School have set up a 4 week summer online IXL program that will keep our students engaged in practicing essential Math and English concepts and solidify understanding of the skills that they learned this past year and better prepare them for the next. All that the students require is their usernames and passwords which have already been assigned to them. The username and password can be found in the student’s assignment book (the login ID and password have not changed). Students may either download the IXL app or visit the website . 1- After signing in, select “Learning” from the green menu bar on top, then 2-“Skill Plans”, 3- then from the icons under Spotlight “IXL Summer Boost: Math” or “IXL Summer Boost: Language Arts”, and 4- finally select the assignment for the specific grade level. The following are the assignments for each grade: - 2023-20242nd Grade Students: 3rd Grade Summer Boost Skill Plan - 2023-2024 3rd Grade Students: 4th Grade Summer Boost Skill Plan - 2023-2024 4th Grade Students: 5th Grade Summer Boost Skill Plan It is recommended that students get a smart score of at least 80 for each skill assigned Furthermore, based on the work completed by students throughout the year, IXL provides a list of recommended assignments. Students may choose to work on those recommendations as well. They cover Math, Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies. For more information regarding the IXL recommendations and how to access them, click the following link: Students who require additional assistance logging into their accounts may contact the school. If you are using your iPhone or iPad, make sure that you add @holymartyrshs after your login username and use your school password. |
Թելադրելի է ամռան ընթացքին կարդալ հետեւեալ գիրքերը:
Յովհաննէս Թումանեանի հեքիաթները կարելի է գտնել “Iphone”-ի “Books App”-էն), որոնք կրնաք ներբեռնել (download) եւ ձրի ունենալ:
Կան արեւմտահայերէն եւ արեւելահայերէն տարբերակները:
Արեւելահայերէն գիրքերու համար կը թելադրենք կարդալ Ղազարոս Աղաեանի, Մխիթար Գոշի եւ Վարդան Այգեկցի առակները:
*Սարդարապատ գրատունը ունի ճոխ հաւաքածոյ ամէն տարիքի երեխաներուն համար.
211 W. Chestnut St., Glendale, CA 91204 - 818-500-0790
Կան արեւմտահայերէն եւ արեւելահայերէն տարբերակները:
Արեւելահայերէն գիրքերու համար կը թելադրենք կարդալ Ղազարոս Աղաեանի, Մխիթար Գոշի եւ Վարդան Այգեկցի առակները:
*Սարդարապատ գրատունը ունի ճոխ հաւաքածոյ ամէն տարիքի երեխաներուն համար.
211 W. Chestnut St., Glendale, CA 91204 - 818-500-0790