For the safety of our students, the following policies have been established.
Campus Safety
Playground Safety
Illness and Medication
Very ill students are encouraged to stay home for quick recovery. Students who have contagious diseases or infections must be kept home. Students are not allowed to carry medication on them during school hours. The medication, along with written consent from the parent, must be sent to the office. Students sent home with fever must stay home, at least for 24 hours to ensure that the student has recovered fully
Students will face appropriate consequences for willful disobedience to a supervisor, teacher, administrator, or other school personnel. In such cases, a notification will be sent to the parent(s).
For the safety of our students, the following policies have been established.
Campus Safety
- Drinks in cans and glass bottles are not allowed to be brought to school.
- Toys of any kind are not allowed in school.
- Electronic equipment and gadgets are not allowed in school.
- Buying, selling, or trading personal belongings are strictly forbidden.
- Deliberate damage to school or peer property will not be tolerated, and students will face consequences accordingly. In addition, parents will be responsible for repair or recovery of damaged property.
Playground Safety
- Students are encouraged to spend the morning recess to eat a snack, drink water, and use the bathroom.
- Running is allowed in designated areas only.
- All kinds of disputes among children must be brought to the attention of the playground supervisors.
- Students must not engage in acts of hitting, pushing, shoving, uttering foul language, or other similar behavioral patterns. Such acts will not be tolerated, and parents will be notified and the student will face consequences accordingly.
Illness and Medication
Very ill students are encouraged to stay home for quick recovery. Students who have contagious diseases or infections must be kept home. Students are not allowed to carry medication on them during school hours. The medication, along with written consent from the parent, must be sent to the office. Students sent home with fever must stay home, at least for 24 hours to ensure that the student has recovered fully
Students will face appropriate consequences for willful disobedience to a supervisor, teacher, administrator, or other school personnel. In such cases, a notification will be sent to the parent(s).
The school has on file a detailed Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan for the North Hills campus.
Based on these prepared emergency plans the Emergency Response Team (ERT), together with the Administration holds emergency training sessions and periodic drills for the faculty and the students. The ERT also actively monitors the emergency supplies both in classroom emergency luggage and school emergency storage shed.
Accordingly, the school is ready to tackle all sorts of emergencies including earthquakes, fire hazards, security threats, communicable diseases and others.
The following sections are merely overview of immediate actions to be implemented by the students and staff immediately after the school encounters an emergency.
The school administration also maintains an “Incident Command Structure” and an evacuation map, both posted in the classrooms next to the exit door.
The school has on file a detailed Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan for the North Hills campus.
Based on these prepared emergency plans the Emergency Response Team (ERT), together with the Administration holds emergency training sessions and periodic drills for the faculty and the students. The ERT also actively monitors the emergency supplies both in classroom emergency luggage and school emergency storage shed.
Accordingly, the school is ready to tackle all sorts of emergencies including earthquakes, fire hazards, security threats, communicable diseases and others.
The following sections are merely overview of immediate actions to be implemented by the students and staff immediately after the school encounters an emergency.
The school administration also maintains an “Incident Command Structure” and an evacuation map, both posted in the classrooms next to the exit door.
The school has on file a detailed Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan for the North Hills campus.
Based on these prepared emergency plans the Emergency Response Team (ERT), together with the Administration holds emergency training sessions and periodic drills for the faculty and the students. The ERT also actively monitors the emergency supplies both in classroom emergency luggage and school emergency storage shed.
Accordingly, the school is ready to tackle all sorts of emergencies including earthquakes, fire hazards, security threats, communicable diseases and others.
The following sections are merely overview of immediate actions to be implemented by the students and staff immediately after the school encounters an emergency.
The school administration also maintains an “Incident Command Structure” and an evacuation map, both posted in the classrooms next to the exit door.
The school has on file a detailed Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan for the North Hills campus.
Based on these prepared emergency plans the Emergency Response Team (ERT), together with the Administration holds emergency training sessions and periodic drills for the faculty and the students. The ERT also actively monitors the emergency supplies both in classroom emergency luggage and school emergency storage shed.
Accordingly, the school is ready to tackle all sorts of emergencies including earthquakes, fire hazards, security threats, communicable diseases and others.
The following sections are merely overview of immediate actions to be implemented by the students and staff immediately after the school encounters an emergency.
The school administration also maintains an “Incident Command Structure” and an evacuation map, both posted in the classrooms next to the exit door.
The school conducts fire and earthquake drills to prepare students in the event of an emergency. Every classroom is equipped with an emergency luggage that includes a first aid kit, drinking water, food, blankets, and other emergency supplies.
The following procedures must be followed both after the fire hazards and earthquake:
Teachers’ Responsibilities in the Field: Teachers should take the students’ roll call based on the student roster placed in the upper pocket of the emergency luggage. After passing the absence lists to the Student Release liaison of the Incident Command Structure, teachers will proceed to their assigned tasks in the Incident Command Structure.
Security Guards and Custodians:
The school conducts fire and earthquake drills to prepare students in the event of an emergency. Every classroom is equipped with an emergency luggage that includes a first aid kit, drinking water, food, blankets, and other emergency supplies.
- Fire Disasters: In case of fire, all students and teachers should quickly evacuate the classrooms and the building immediately after the first alarm signal or warning announcements are heard on the paging system. All must proceed to the soccer field through the assigned shortest path.
- Earthquakes: In case of an earthquake, everyone must drop under the desks or chairs and cover their head and hold on to the cover until the original shock is over (approximately one minute). All must get up only after the first shock is over and leave the classroom quietly and quickly. All must proceed to the soccer field through the assigned shortest path.
The following procedures must be followed both after the fire hazards and earthquake:
- The student closest to the door should open the door all the way and leave it open,
- Teachers should pull the emergency luggage out of the classroom,
- The last student leaving the classroom should turn off the lights and close the door. For research and rescue teams this will mean there is no one left in the classroom,
- All students must proceed to the soccer field by the assigned shortest past,
- At all times students must be orderly and not panic,
- Students should not return to take books or personal belongings,
- Students with physical limitations should move independently under the supervision of a responsible student or an adult,
- Students in the playground, cafeteria, restrooms, and the library or on errands must immediately proceed to the soccer field, join their own group, and report to their own teacher.
Teachers’ Responsibilities in the Field: Teachers should take the students’ roll call based on the student roster placed in the upper pocket of the emergency luggage. After passing the absence lists to the Student Release liaison of the Incident Command Structure, teachers will proceed to their assigned tasks in the Incident Command Structure.
Security Guards and Custodians:
- Security guards must close the entrance gates (iron) and post a sign that earthquake or fire drill is in process.
- Custodians must make sure that all students are out of the restrooms and are heading towards the soccer field.
In case of security breaches, such as:
The following must be implemented:
b. Field supervisors and P.E. teacher must escort P.E. students or students at recess in the soccer field to bungalows 14A, 15A, 16A (library) and 17A.
c. Custodians must check the restrooms for students and keep the students inside the restrooms.
d. Inside the classrooms teachers must follow the following instructions:
-Must remain in charge utilizing the best judgment in supervising the students within the classroom,
-Must immediately lock the doors and windows. Students will be kept within their locked classrooms until further notice regardless of the bells and schedule,
-Must not allow the students to leave the classrooms or even go to bathrooms until the lock down situation is lifted,
-Must move the students away from windows and take them near interior walls. If needed, students must duck, cover and hold because of weapons or explosive devices.
-Must cover the windows with the curtains,
-Must not allow people into the classroom,
-If the ventilation system needs to be turned off, directive will be given over the PA,
-Must e-mail the administration to provide the following information:
In case of security breaches, such as:
- Armed trespassers posing threats to the students.
- Gunfire or explosions heard in the vicinity or inside the school.
The following must be implemented:
- All personnel must notify the Administration immediately about the exact nature of the threat and their proximity to it.
- The security personnel will proceed to lock and secure all exterior doors/gates.
- The Administrative Office will announce and repeat only two words over the paging system to notify the faculty/staff about the existing danger: LOCK DOWN.
- Teachers and supervisors must assess the situation, keep the students calm and take the proper actions.
- Field supervisors, P.E. teachers and students outside of their classrooms must take refuge in safe areas according to the following plan:
b. Field supervisors and P.E. teacher must escort P.E. students or students at recess in the soccer field to bungalows 14A, 15A, 16A (library) and 17A.
c. Custodians must check the restrooms for students and keep the students inside the restrooms.
d. Inside the classrooms teachers must follow the following instructions:
-Must remain in charge utilizing the best judgment in supervising the students within the classroom,
-Must immediately lock the doors and windows. Students will be kept within their locked classrooms until further notice regardless of the bells and schedule,
-Must not allow the students to leave the classrooms or even go to bathrooms until the lock down situation is lifted,
-Must move the students away from windows and take them near interior walls. If needed, students must duck, cover and hold because of weapons or explosive devices.
-Must cover the windows with the curtains,
-Must not allow people into the classroom,
-If the ventilation system needs to be turned off, directive will be given over the PA,
-Must e-mail the administration to provide the following information:
- Classroom Number,
- Teacher name,
- Names of the students absent from the classroom,
- Name of students and people who are present in that classroom, but do not belong to that classroom,
- Name of people in the classroom in need of emergency help.
In case of widespread fires or biochemical hazards, the Administration may decide to evacuate the school premises and transfer the students to a safer nearby designated ground.
In such instances:
-The students must gather on the soccer field and follow the instructions of the teachers.
-For roll call teachers should use the student roster placed in the upper pocket of the security luggage.
-When parents are notified of the situation, they can go to the designated area and pickup their children.
The designated area(s) for the North Hills Campus is:
Mid-Valley Regional Branch Library
16244 Nordhoff St., North Hills, CA 91343
In case of widespread fires or biochemical hazards, the Administration may decide to evacuate the school premises and transfer the students to a safer nearby designated ground.
In such instances:
-The students must gather on the soccer field and follow the instructions of the teachers.
-For roll call teachers should use the student roster placed in the upper pocket of the security luggage.
- After passing the absence lists to the Student Release liaison of the Incident Command Structure, teachers will proceed to their assigned tasks in the Incident Command Structure.
-When parents are notified of the situation, they can go to the designated area and pickup their children.
The designated area(s) for the North Hills Campus is:
Mid-Valley Regional Branch Library
16244 Nordhoff St., North Hills, CA 91343