Grading Policy
The students are assessed based on their academic progress and their classroom behavior. Accordingly, besides the academic grade the students also receive cooperation grade for every quarter of the four-quarter academic year. The cooperation grade reflects a student’s behavior and work habits in the classroom. Therefore, the cooperation grade is assigned based on the number of violations committed relative to the “Classroom Rules” section of this handbook.
Academic and cooperation grades are reported through the official report card. Parents also can follow the progress of the grades through MMS, the on-line grading software program. Kindergarten students receive report cards on a semester basis.
Academic and cooperation grades are reported through the official report card. Parents also can follow the progress of the grades through MMS, the on-line grading software program. Kindergarten students receive report cards on a semester basis.
Quarter Grade
Tests and quizzes 50-70 %
Homework 10-15 %
Projects, labs, etc. 10-15 %
Class participation 10-15 %
Tests and quizzes 50-70 %
Homework 10-15 %
Projects, labs, etc. 10-15 %
Class participation 10-15 %
Academic Grading Scale
Exceeds grade level standards
A+ 100-97 4.3
A 96-93 4.0
A- 92-90 3.7
Meets grade level standards
B+ 89-87 3.3
B 86-83 3.0
B- 82-80 2.7
Partially meets grade level standards
C+ 79-77 2.3
C 76-73 2.0
C- 72-70 1.7
Below grade level standards
D+ 69-67 1.3
D 66-63 1.0
D- 62-60 0.7
F 59-0 0
Exceeds grade level standards
A+ 100-97 4.3
A 96-93 4.0
A- 92-90 3.7
Meets grade level standards
B+ 89-87 3.3
B 86-83 3.0
B- 82-80 2.7
Partially meets grade level standards
C+ 79-77 2.3
C 76-73 2.0
C- 72-70 1.7
Below grade level standards
D+ 69-67 1.3
D 66-63 1.0
D- 62-60 0.7
F 59-0 0
Students are graded for work habits and behavior they demonstrate at school:
Cooperation Grading Scale
Cooperation Grading Scale
4 - Excellent
Exemplary conduct, exemplary work habits.
No infractions.
3 - Good
Good behavior, satisfactory work habits.
No infractions.
2 - Needs Improvement
One to three infractions.
Needs to improve behavior and work habits.
1 - Unsatisfactory
Four to six infractions.
Behavior and work habits not meeting grade level standards.
Exemplary conduct, exemplary work habits.
No infractions.
3 - Good
Good behavior, satisfactory work habits.
No infractions.
2 - Needs Improvement
One to three infractions.
Needs to improve behavior and work habits.
1 - Unsatisfactory
Four to six infractions.
Behavior and work habits not meeting grade level standards.
Class Ranking
Class ranking is computed only for grade 5 and it is based solely on students’ academic grades.
Test/Quiz Policy
- There should be 3-4 tests and 2-3 quizzes for each course per quarter. Tests can be substituted with projects.
- For each school day a maximum of 2 tests can be scheduled. The 3rd or 4th scheduled test will be canceled according to the chronological order they were scheduled.
- Two to four quizzes may be counted as one test.
- Tests, quizzes and projects should be returned in one week after they are administered. For instance, if a test is administered on a Wednesday, it must be returned to the students graded on or before the following Wednesday.
Makeup tests should be administered in 3 school days following a missed test.
The school academic advisor must be notified if in specific cases, there will be any exceptions to this policy.
Test/Quiz Make-Up
Students with excused absences shall have the opportunity to complete missed class work and make up all tests receiving full credit. The student is responsible to arrange for the make-up.
Students who miss a test/quiz because of an unexcused absence will receive a failing grade on that test/quiz, except when the teacher decides to offer the chance for make-up. If a student misses a test/quiz while on suspension, he/she will not have the opportunity to make up the test/quiz and will receive an "F".
Grade Adjustment
The report card grades assigned to students are final. In the event a grade is in dispute, a student must petition the teacher and upon the consent of the principal, the grade may be adjusted.
Acts of cheating or plagiarism will result in student receiving an “F” on the test or the assigned work.
Academic Pink Slip
All students earn cooperation grades for their study habits and behavior patterns. A student may receive an Academic Pink Slip for the following reasons:
· Missing three homework assignments within 10 school days
· Three incomplete homework assignments within 10 school days
· Being repeatedly unprepared for classroom work
After receiving three pink slips, parent(s) will be contacted for a meeting with the teachers and the academic advisor. In addition, the student will lose points from their homework grade, thus affecting the overall academic grade.
Class ranking is computed only for grade 5 and it is based solely on students’ academic grades.
Test/Quiz Policy
- There should be 3-4 tests and 2-3 quizzes for each course per quarter. Tests can be substituted with projects.
- For each school day a maximum of 2 tests can be scheduled. The 3rd or 4th scheduled test will be canceled according to the chronological order they were scheduled.
- Two to four quizzes may be counted as one test.
- Tests, quizzes and projects should be returned in one week after they are administered. For instance, if a test is administered on a Wednesday, it must be returned to the students graded on or before the following Wednesday.
Makeup tests should be administered in 3 school days following a missed test.
The school academic advisor must be notified if in specific cases, there will be any exceptions to this policy.
Test/Quiz Make-Up
Students with excused absences shall have the opportunity to complete missed class work and make up all tests receiving full credit. The student is responsible to arrange for the make-up.
Students who miss a test/quiz because of an unexcused absence will receive a failing grade on that test/quiz, except when the teacher decides to offer the chance for make-up. If a student misses a test/quiz while on suspension, he/she will not have the opportunity to make up the test/quiz and will receive an "F".
Grade Adjustment
The report card grades assigned to students are final. In the event a grade is in dispute, a student must petition the teacher and upon the consent of the principal, the grade may be adjusted.
Acts of cheating or plagiarism will result in student receiving an “F” on the test or the assigned work.
Academic Pink Slip
All students earn cooperation grades for their study habits and behavior patterns. A student may receive an Academic Pink Slip for the following reasons:
· Missing three homework assignments within 10 school days
· Three incomplete homework assignments within 10 school days
· Being repeatedly unprepared for classroom work
After receiving three pink slips, parent(s) will be contacted for a meeting with the teachers and the academic advisor. In addition, the student will lose points from their homework grade, thus affecting the overall academic grade.